AccessibleWP – Accessibility Toolbar

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About AccessibleWP – Accessibility Toolbar

Add a professional accessibility toolbar to your WordPress site and make it easier for users with disabilities.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Codenroll


Add a professional accessibility toolbar to your WordPress site and make it easier for users with disabilities.

Toolbar Options

  • Keyboard Navigation – Allows to navigate using the keyboard
  • Disable Animation – Allows to disable CSS3 animations
  • Dark Contrast – Allows to change the site colors to colors with dark contrast (also let you choose the colors if you want)
  • Change Font Size – Allows to increase or decrease the font size
  • Readable Font – Allows to change the font-family to more readable font (also let you choose which font is the readable font if you want)
  • Mark Titles – Allows to mark the titles
  • Highlight Links – Allows to mark all links

Please Note

  • This plugin aims to solve challenges in the accessibility of WordPress sites, it does not cover all the guidelines required according to the WCAG but helps to reach it. To make your website fully accessible in accordance with the regulations, please consult an accessibility expert.
  • The authors of the plugin are not responsible to your website, to the user or to any third party for any direct or indirect damage of any kind from any use of this plugin.