Accordion & FAQs

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About Accordion & FAQs

Accordion & FAQ is the most simplest accordion builder for WordPress. You can add multiple accordion and faqs & view more content with collaps …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Codelizar


Thanks for visit our plugin. Need an awesome accordion FAQ plugin then this is it. Responsive Accordion is has buildup with excellent accordion FAQ builder for wordpress. You can add unlimited accordion and faqs with unlimited color.You can easy manage your accordion using backend. Responsive Accordion is built-in bootstrap.

Accordion & FAQs Features

  • Responsive & Mobile ready.
  • Lightweight, Fast and Robust.
  • Easy admin panel.
  • 5 Pre Design Templates
  • Multiple Accordions. (Create unlimited accordions into the same page/post)
  • Searchable Accordions
  • WP Editor(WYSIWYG) for accordion content.
  • Multiple Accordions Collapsible or Toggle.
  • Add & Delete Accordion item from Back-end.
  • Expand & Collapse Icons On/off.
  • Multi-site Supported.
  • Compatible with any Theme.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • Semantic HTML5 design and CSS3 transitions.
  • Cross-browser Supported.

Accordion Box Pro With WooCommerce Addon Features

  • Responsive & Mobile ready.
  • Lightweight, Fast and Robust.
  • Easy admin panel.
  • Multiple Accordions. (Create unlimited accordions into the same page/post)
  • Add Accordion in WooCommerce Product Page
  • Add Accordion in WooCommerce Product Custom Tabs
  • Can add image and file upload in each Accordion
  • Searchable Accordions
  • WP Editor(WYSIWYG) for accordion content.
  • Multiple Accordions Collapsible or Toggle.
  • Add & Delete Accordion item from Back-end.
  • Each Accordion On/Off setting
  • Expand & Collapse Icons On/off.
  • Multiple Fonts Family for Accordion
  • Multiple Color Setting for Accordion
  • Multi-site Supported.
  • Compatible with any Theme.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • Semantic HTML5 design and CSS3 transitions.
  • Cross-browser Supported.
  • 12 Design Templates
  • Preview Option
  • Widget Option
  • Limitless accordion anywhere in the theme
  • Use via short-codes
  • Bootstrap framework based
  • Font Awesome Icon Support
  • Hide All Accordion on page load or display all
  • Add and remove accordion item from backend.
  • Upgrade To Pro
  • Accordion Box Pro With WooCommerce Addon Demo