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Accordion Icon

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About Accordion

Create accordion, faq, tabs, tab content via shortcode and display anywhere under post, page or widget and page builder elements.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 10 years ago
author: PickPlugins


Accordions is easy and powerful tool to create accordion, faq, tabs, tab content, frequently asked question, knowledge base, question & answer section, WooCommerce FAQ tabs and many other way to use this plugin. supper easy to customize looks and feel, changing color, font size of content, choosing accordion icons was never easy before.

Accordions by

Plugin Features

Unlimited Accordion & Tabs
You can created unlimited accordion and tabs via this plugin, we never limit your count.

Display via Shortcode
Accordion and tabs can be display anywhere via shortcode under page, post content, sidebar via widgets and page builder
widgets and elements and gutenberg blocks as well. we provided and extra shortcode [accordions_pplugins] to avoid 3rd party conflict.

Lazy Load
Lazy load is very useful and hide content on page load, you can enable to disable this option.

Responsive Accordion and Tabs
We used jQuery UI library to generate accordion and tabs, which is super responsive in any device.

Custom icons
You can set your own icons for accordion header icons, we used fontawesome as font icons, you can change default and
activate icon as well, changing default color, hover color, font size is also available.

Header style
You can style header as your own, there is planty of option available to style accordion header font size, default text
color, activate text color, hover text color, default background color, activate background color and changing header
padding and margins.

Content Style
You can style accordion content as you needs by changing accordion font size, font color, background color, padding and

Container Style
You can change container background color, background image, text align and padding.

Content Editing
You can create accordion content with WP Editor, you can add text, image andother media like youtube video, self hosted
video and etc. Section can be drag & drop sorting. delete any section without
loading the page and can hide without deleting it on front-end.

Import 3rd party plugin data
You can import accordion and tabs data from 3rd party plugin source.

Premium Features

Nested/multi level accordion
You can create multi level or nested accordion with unlimited level, nested accordion can customize as you want.

Click header to scroll top
WHen user click to accordion header it will scroll to top.

Header text toggle
You can display toggle text when clicked on header

Display expand/collapse all button
You can display expand/collapse all button to expand or collapsed at once. you can also set custom text for expand/collapse all button and add custom background color.

Open/Active accordion by url Parameter
You can enable active or open accordion by url parameter, ex:|1,2
you display multiple or keep open multiple by providing multiple argument like this|1,2-84|1,3

Open/Active accordion by url hash
You can enable active or open accordion by url hash, ex:

Header click track & stats
You can track click on accordion header.

Header background image
You can set custom background image and color for each header.

Active accordion on page load

You can choose header to active on page load,

Enable search
You can display search input field to enable search though accordion content. also custom placeholder text for search input field avilable.

Vertical Tabs
You can display vertical style tabs.