Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

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About Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin is a reliable extension that can perform wonders on your product attributes with robust UI.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Acowebs


WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin is a reliable extension that can perform wonders on your product attributes with robust UI. Use Aco Variation swatches for WooCommerce to turn your product attributes into striking and vibrant swatches to suit your theme styles.

Design labels, colors, images, or radio swatches and say goodbye to the normal dropdowns. With Variation Swatches for Woocommerce, you can exhibit the variation of the products in terms of their different properties.

Try the Demo | Documentations | Pro Version


Once you activate the Aco Variation Swatches for the WooCommerce plugin, move to the Variation Swatches menu in the WordPress admin menu bar. Choose settings and set your default styles for Woocommerce swatches. Finally, go to the Variation Swatches category and specify the desired type and style.


WooCommerce Product Variation Swatches plugin has an easy-to-use UI with features to turn your product attributes into wonderful swatches that offer extensive User experience. The users don’t have to reveal the drop-down field and view which are the variations available for the product. Users can instantly choose their preferred variation without making additional clicks or spending more time.

Here are the WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin Basic Features:

✅ Customize product attributes to suit your theme styles.

✅ Lets you effortlessly change your ordinary product variation dropdowns into color, labels, radio, and image swatches.

✅ Robust and easy-to-use User Interface.

✅ Display text tooltip on the swatches with features to enable tooltip styles customization.

✅ Offers compatibility with popular WooCommerce plugins

✅ Secured and frequently updated codebase

✅ Feature to reorder the product attribute variation swatches

✅ Great compatibility with the popular WooCommerce themes


Check how Woocommerce Variation Swatches plugin options are created!
🔗 Backend Demo
🔗 Frontend Demo
🔗 Product Page


WooCommerce Variation Swatches is a great option that helps you draw the customers’ attention to your store and let you customize the shop page.

For a website, you can build numerous design types. With variation swatches for WooCommerce, you can quickly choose the design of created swatches that fits the needs of your store to improve the appeal.

Here are the features of the Swatches plugin premium version:

✅ All the features of the demo version.

✅ Auto-conversion of all dropdowns to the image swatch if the variation incorporates a featured image set.

✅ Feature to set Multi-color variation swatches.

✅ Display the entire image, color, label, and radio attribute swatches in category/ catalog/ archive/ shop/ store pages.

✅ Enable the conversion of manual attribute variations into image, color, and label swatches.

✅ Feature to select squared and rounded attribute variation swatches for the same product.

✅ Option to blur or hide the out-of-stock variation swatches.

✅ Border styling for the WooCommerce swatches.

✅ Customization of tooltip text and the background color.

✅ Make the size of the selected attribute variation larger than the default attribute variations.


Check how Woocommerce Variation Swatches plugin options are created!
🔗 Front end Demo
🔗 Back end Demo


🔗 Basic Setup Instructions
🔗 How to add swatches for a product?
🔗 How can I show Swatches in the Product listing page?

Why Acowebs?

Acowebs provides promising and reliable WooCommerce plugins and Shopify apps to the customers with an amazing User Experience. Being an award-winning software firm, we develop top-notch themes and WordPress plugins at your convenience to supercharge the in-store experience. With our ample expertise, we deliver stunning WooCommerce plugins with remarkable features and outstanding UX to the customers.

Check out our other WordPress plugins here.

What our customer says:

“The plugin works amazingly and is great even with the demo version. Variation swatches have helped me to customize the product variations and drive more customers to the store with the appeal it provides. Thanks to the entire team for their continued support!”

“WordPress variation swatches elevate both functional and aesthetic elements of the store with beautiful swatches. I would give a 5/5 rating without hesitation, for the User experience and amazing features the plugin offers.”


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