Activity Feed Anywhere

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About Activity Feed Anywhere

Activity Feed Anywhere adds a custom BuddyPress activity post box and/or feed on any page.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Bouncingsprout Studio


This plugin lets you add a fully functional BuddyPress activity stream to any page. Designed to match the native BuddyPress activity feed, you can now post and see activity from wherever you like.

How to use Activity Feed Anywhere

Simply add the shortcode [activity_feed_anywhere] to any page on your site.

If you would rather not display the feed, but only the ‘post box’, simply use [activity_feed_anywhere feed=false ]. Activity entered here will show up in activity feeds elsewhere in the site.

If you would rather not display the post box, but only the feed itself, simply use [activity_feed_anywhere postbox=false ].