Ad Builder for AdRotate

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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Ad Builder for AdRotate

Do you sell digital ads for your website? There's one surefire way to impress potential advertising clients in sales meetings: Show them somethin …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Broadstreet


This plugin is not affiliated with the popular and useful AdRotate plugin in any way — it simply adds a great ad builder on top of it.

Watch a short video demo:

Note: If you have an adblocker installed, it will prevent this tool (and parts of WordPress) from working properly.

  • Impress more sales clients at the sales meeting by creating an attractive sample ad
  • Deliver great campaigns — better ad formats leads to more clicks
  • Retain business — once you’re using this tool to build great ads, your client won’t want to work with anyone else

Learn more about strategies for winning ad sales in Ten Advantages,
our free eBook for news and magazine publishers:


Watch a short video demo:


This is a very simple plugin. If you are having trouble
loading ads on your site, please make sure that:

  • You do not have an ad blocker installed (you would be amazed how often this happens). Disable it and refresh the page a few times to see if the ad appears.
  • You don’t have CSS in your theme which is hiding images (rare, but it happens)

If you have any other trouble, email [email protected] – try to avoid
the WordPress support forums because it’s not always easy to get to problems right away there.