Admin Starred Posts

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About Admin Starred Posts

Mark posts, pages and custom posts in your WordPress admin; pretty similar to the stars feature in Gmail.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Luis Orozco


Admin Starred Posts lets you mark posts, pages and custom posts within the WordPress admin with stars.
This helps you highlight a post, or mark it so you remember is important.

For example, you might have tons of pages, but are always editing one or two. In that case, star those pages,
and they’ll be easily recognizable in your list of posts.

If you’ve used Gmail before, you’re very familiar with this feature. Similar to that email client, this plugin
let’s you click on a star in your list of posts, pages and custom posts to ‘star’ it.

The plugin works out of the box, but you also get some configuration options to help you customize it to your workflow.

Configuration Options

  • Rotate between 12 different “stars”
  • Drag and set the orders of your stars
  • Enable/disable this feature for any post type in your WordPress install
  • Decide whether you want stars to be visible to every one, or in a per user basis.

Other Features

  • You can display only starred posts by using the “Stars” filter available at the top of the posts list.

This plugin requires WordPress 3.8 or higher