Admin Toolbox

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About Admin Toolbox

Manage an array of administrative options improving user control and resource management.






updated: 6 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: RLDD


Take control with Admin Toolbox: Capture visit statistics, Two factor authentication (2FA), and admin menu controls.


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by email (optional SMS with PRO).

Log Site Visits and Chart traffic performance.

Search Posts by post meta in wp-admin.

Limit Image maximum size uploaded through the media library.

Hide Roles in the user editor. Limit roles that have access to other roles.

Disable Notification updates by role.

PRO Features

Auto-Blacklist – Detect and Report Brute force hits and malicious login/injection attempts.

Geo Location – Limit logins, Block, and Report by geo-location.

SQL Query Interface – Write basic MySQL queries on the fly.

Zip Code Radius – API to Retrieve, Filter or List locations by Proximity.

Error Reports – Configurable Error Reporting by Email.