JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress

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About JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress

Provides Adobe XMP / IPTC information from Media Library or NextGEN Gallery images using a shortcode or PHP class method.






updated: 5 months ago
since: 11 years ago
author: JS Morisset


Retrieve the following Adobe XMP / IPTC information from images in the WordPress Media Library and NextGEN Galleries:

  • Creator Email
  • Owner Name
  • Creation Date
  • Modification Date
  • Label
  • Credit
  • Source
  • Headline
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • Location
  • Title
  • Description
  • Creator
  • Rights
  • Keywords
  • Hierarchical Keywords

The extracted XMP / IPTC data is cached on disk to improve performance and is refreshed if / when the original image is modified.

You can use the plugin in one of two ways; calling a method in your theme template(s) or using the [xmp] shortcode in your content.

There are no plugin settings – simply install and activate the plugin.