Ads Benedict

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About Ads Benedict

This is a super basic banner ad plugin. CPM? CPC? CPX? CPR? Nope... If you need to have a banner or banners displayed in multiple spots, this is it.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Gary Kovar


I run ads for long periods of time so I don’t care about accurate display statistics or anything of that nature.
I needed to show banner ads on my site, but double click for publishers was messing up my template and other plugins were too heavy for what I needed.
So, I made a super-basic banner plugin and named it after my favorite breakfast.

Create a banner, paste the link it should point to, name the zone you want it in, and make a note of the advertiser.
Then put the shortcode into your template or directly in a post.

If you put multiple banners into one zone then 1 will randomly be selected when the page loads.