Ads on Content AMP Pages

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About Ads on Content AMP Pages

Ads on Content AMP Pages is to Insert Ads WithIn your Post Content AMP Pages in WordPress, To Make Money from AMP .






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Alaa AbdelSamie


Ads on Content AMP Pages is to Insert Ads WithIn your Post Content AMP Pages in WordPress, To Make Money from AMP .

Need an easy way to automatically insert post ads?

In-post ads get the best click through rate. If you want to increase your CTR and Google AdSense revenue, then you need to insert post ads within your content.

Insert Post Ads allows you to automatically insert post ads after a specified number of paragraphs. This saves you the hassle of manually inserting post ads for every post.

We created this plugin to make it as easy as possible to insert ads in posts.