Mobile Ad for WordPress by AdsOptimal

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About Mobile Ad for WordPress by AdsOptimal

Mobile Ad for Wordpress by AdsOptimal






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago


Mobile Ad for WordPress by AdsOptimal

AdsOptimal offers innovative ad unit, designed and optimized for mobile sites. We make the ad load faster and make it easier on various smart devices. We also offers desktop ad unit that can be enabled by just simple clicks.


  • Choose from 4 different ad experiences, such as banner, interstitial, topinline, and more.
  • Control how frequent user can see the ad. You can make sure you don’t bug user too many times.
  • Select to show the ad only when user finish reading your content.
  • Take only minutes to install. See your revenue in real time.
  • Receive a payout via Paypal or Check.

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About AdsOptimal (company profile)

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