Advanced Advertising System

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About Advanced Advertising System

Manage your advertiser simply with many professional features.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Smartdevth


If you have customers who want to promote their products on your site, Advanced Advertising System can help you. The main of this plugin is to manage advertisers, to control campaign especially the pricing model for each advertiser. You can manage ads zone(position) and specify the pricing model(CPM, CPC, CPP) for each zone slot. Front-end display is based on priority system.


  • The best controller for the advert
  • Create zones to display on front-end
  • Choose rotation type and timeout
  • Specify the price for each zone slot for different advertisers depends on the priority
  • Manage advertisers
  • Create campaigns for each advertiser and attach them to the zones
  • Choose the pricing model for the campaign(CPM, CPC, CPP)
  • Limit budget for the campaign to prevent unwanted spam clicks or impressions
  • Specify priority for the campaign
  • Limit total impressions or person impressions to prevent unwanted spam clicks or impressions
  • Schedule the campaign
  • Create banners for each campaign

PRO Version

PRO version is available now ! check it out at :

  • Main Site
  • Demo Site
  • Concept and Documentation