Advanced Custom Fields Migration Cleanup

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About Advanced Custom Fields Migration Cleanup

Correct and prevent Advanced Custom Fields options migration autoload 'yes' to 'no'.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Michael Cannon


Argh… it turn’s out that I was having problems with postmeta and options data being mixed. There went a day’s coding a migrator when I didn’t need it and doubt you either.

Anyways, just use the autoload cleanup and enforcer. That’s still quite valid.

~~Migrate left over Advanced Custom Fields fields from wp_postmeta to wp_options while correcting autoload settings.~~

Convert previous ACF value migrations from autoload = ‘yes’ to ‘no’. This is very handy for performance optimization when you’ve got tens of thousands of custom fields. Can help drastically improve website load times.

Thank you…


  • Implement ACF field migration