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About Advanced Reporting for Woocommerce
WooCommerce Advance Reporting System plugin is a plugin which shows you a complete sales report of Total Summary, Recent Orders, Top Billing Country, …
WooCommerce Advanced Sales Report plugin is a plugin which shows you a complete sales report of Total Summary, Recent Orders, Top Billing Country, State, Top Product Sellers, Coupons, Top Payment Gateway, Order Status, Shipping, and Tax.
Free Features:
The plugin is compatible with our Support Ticket System By Phoeniixx plugin.
Displays Total Summary, Orders placed today and the total earnings.
Displays Top Products and Top Category.
Displays the list of Top Customers.
Displays the list of Top Billing Country and Top States.
Shows the list of Recent Orders.
Shows the list of Top Coupons and Payment Gateway.
Displays the list of the sold products with the total cost of the products.
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Product
Unsold Products Details
Displays the list of the unsold products with the total cost of all the products.
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Product
Today Summary
Displays todays total sales
Displays todays average sale
Displays todays total refund
Displays todays order tax
Displays todays order shipping tax
Displays todays total tax
Month and Year Summary
Displays month sales
Displays average sales / order
Displays average sales / day
Displays year sales
Displays the year average sales / order
Displays the year average sales / day
Total Summary
Displays total order tax
Displays the total order shipping tax
Displays total amount of shipping order
Displays the last order date
Displays the total average gross monthly sales
Displays the total average net monthly sales
Total items purchased option is visible
Displays the total sales
Displays the total amount refunded
Displays the total number of guest customers
Displays the total number of registered customers
Displays the amount of total coupons
Product Summary
Displays the total number of Variable product stock
Displays the total number of Variable product instock
Displays the total number of Simple product stock
Displays the total number of Simple product instock
Summary of the Year
Displays the data monthwise
Displays the total amount of sales in a month
Displays the total amount refunded in a month
Displays the total amount of discount
Displays the total amount of shipping order
Displays the total amount of order tax
Displays the total amount of shipping tax
Displays the total amount of tax
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Order Summary
Option to expand the list
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Sales Order Status
Option to expand the list
Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Top Products
Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
Option to search for a particular product
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of products at once
Option to download the CSV of the data
Top Category
Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
Option to search for a particular category
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of categories of products at once
Option to download the CSV of the data
Top Customer
Displays the customers data on the basis of Billing name , Billing email id , Payment Method used by them, Total number of orders placed by them and the total amount
Option to search for a particular customer
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of customers list at once
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
Top Billing Country
Displays the list of top billing country based on the total orders and on the total amount
Option to expand the list
Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Country
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing country at once
Top billing State
Displays the list of top billing state based on the total orders and on the total amount
Option to expand the list
Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular State
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
Recent Orders
Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
Option to search for a particular order
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of orders at once
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to filter the data by using the Date filtering option
Top Coupon
Displays the list of all the coupon codes with the total amount and the total coupon count
Option to expand the list
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular State
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
Top Payment Gateway
Displays the list of top billing state based on the total orders and on the total amount
Option to expand the list
Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular State
Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
Simple Instock
Displays the list of the simple products available in the stock
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Product
Option to show the product less than the number you want
Simple Out of Stock
Displays the list of the simple products available in the stock
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Product
Variable Instock
Displays the list of the simple products available in the stock
Option to download the CSV of the data
Option to search for a particular Product
Option to show the product less than the number you want
Variable Out of Stock
Displays the list of the simple products available in the stock