Easy Calculator

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About Easy Calculator

A plug-in to insert a calculator at anywhere in your Wordpress site for easy calculations.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Ajanth R


A plug-in to insert a calculator at anywhere in your WordPress site for easy calculations. This tool will come handy in real estate and subscription websites. You can insert Easy Calculator anywhere in your post or pages with shortcode ‘[easy_cal]’ or in your template with php code ‘echo easy_calculator();’. You can also add this calculator in your widget area by dragging and groping the Easy Calculator widget on your widget area.


  • Fixed plugin install issue
  • Added widget option to add calculator to sidebar
  • More flexible
  • Fixed conflicts with some themes. Now compatible with almost all themes.


  • Added Memory Recall Feature (m+, m- and mrc are functioning)
  • No more developer credits. Removed the developer credits and developer credits will not be shown anywhere in the widget/site


  • Made changes to make sure it will work fine in wordpress 4.4