AJAX Heartbeat Tool

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About AJAX Heartbeat Tool

Provides a method of turning the WordPress heartbeat off as well as change some settings.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Mikel King


Provides a method of turning the WordPress heartbeat off as well as change some settings. We use this plugin at RD because the heartbeat was clobbering site performance when more than one editor was logged into the CMS. In the future I plan to add the ability to adjust the settings.

  • Disables admin-ajax.php except on the posts, post edit & quick edit pages
  • Disables hearbeat autostart
  • Sets the heartbeat interval to 60 seconds

Arbitrary section

This is my arbitrary section. There’s really nothing special to add because this is truly a simple plugin with no settings or configuration. Turn it on and block the iframe content thieves. Much of this can also be achieve by working with a good hosting provider. If you are board then head over to my content site JAFDIP.