AMO Team Showcase

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About AMO Team Showcase

Easily showcase members of your team/company and their info in sleek, responsive and professional way.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Oleg Goltsev (amothemo)



A powerful but an easy way to present your team/staff members and their profiles with beautifully styled descriptions, skills and links to social media.

The plugin is fully responsive.
Moreover, it is a highly customizable plugin. You can change colors, font sizes, spacings etc. from powerful, yet concise and super easy to use plugin options panel. Choose from 2 different styles for member thumbnails.

The plugin adds “AMO Team” menu section to the admin panel. There you can easily create team members, assign them to categories, add their images, position, bios, skills, social links, set info panel format (image, link, standard or quote) and display them on any post or page, with a simple but powerful “team” or “member” shortcodes. Also there is a widget to show members in a sidebar/widget area.


A few unique features of the plugin:

  • Post formats for team member: image, quote, standard or link.
  • Member info panel with styled “text block” and “skills” shortcodes/blocks. Can be turned off.
  • 2 different styles for member thumbnails (more are coming).
  • Fully and very easily customizable look by options panel.
  • The plugin made with an accent on simplicity, and it is easy to use.
  • Has a widget to show members in any sidebar/widget area.
  • Sleek, clean and modern design.

Fully Translatable

  • POT file included (/languages/), English.
  • RTL languages supported.
  • Russian translation included (PO/MO files).


Plugin Documentation
The documentation implemented in languages: English and Russian.

Support the plugin if you like it

If you like the plugin or it helped you someway, please leave a review, or make a donation ( PayPal or Yandex.Money ). That will help to keep my interest in its further development and support. Thank you!

Support for Users:

If you have information about bugs, or maybe some suggestions. Please feel free to ask or tell about them on the support forum.

Files, Sources and Credits

See the list of images, fonts, JavaScript / PHP libraries, etc., which are used in the plugin and in its demo.
The person icon in the banner is designed by Freepik.