AP Extended MIME Types

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About AP Extended MIME Types

This plugin extends the allowed uploadable MIME types to include a WIDE range of file types. Created specifically for WPMS...






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago


The Ardent Pixels’ Extended MIME Types plugin was created specifically for WPMS in mind. You can now allow all or only select blogs to upload a WIDE range of file types.

Included MIME Types:

  • ac3
  • ai
  • aif
  • aifc
  • aiff
  • au
  • avi
  • bmp
  • cat
  • clp
  • crd
  • css
  • csv
  • csv
  • dll
  • doc
  • docm
  • docx
  • dot
  • dotm
  • dotx
  • eps
  • flv
  • gif
  • gtar
  • gz
  • gzip
  • ics
  • ief
  • ifb
  • jpe
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • js
  • m13
  • m14
  • mdb
  • mid
  • midi
  • mny
  • mov
  • movie
  • mp3
  • mp4
  • mpa
  • mpe
  • mpeg
  • mpg
  • mpp
  • msg
  • mvb
  • pdf
  • pict
  • png
  • pot
  • potm
  • potx
  • ppam
  • pps
  • ppsm
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • pub
  • qt
  • ra
  • ram
  • rtf
  • rtx
  • scd
  • snd
  • sst
  • stl
  • swf
  • tif
  • tiff
  • trm
  • tsv
  • txt
  • w6w
  • wav
  • wmf
  • word
  • wri
  • xla
  • xlam
  • xlc
  • xlm
  • xls
  • xlsb
  • xlsm
  • xlsx
  • xlt
  • xltm
  • xltx
  • xlw
  • zip


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