ClassiPress Ads Importer plugin

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About ClassiPress Ads Importer plugin

Import Ads+Users from CSV file in ClassiPress Theme






updated: 9 years ago
since: 12 years ago


Need to import Ads+Users via CSV in a VERY SIMPLE way?

This is the right plugin for you. What plugin does? It creates or update users, user’s ads, categories in ONE STEP via CSV file. If user or ad_category doesn’t exist it will create it!

  • Import & Create Users
  • Import & Create User’s Ads
  • Import & Create Ad Categories

How it works?

  • In a VERY VERY VERY simple way. Plugin will generate HEADER (first line in your CSV file) based on your custom fields (ad fields).
  • You should populate those fields with appropriate text and that is it!
  • You will be able to import ads from existing users if you put existing WP “user_email” in that field. In other case, plugin will register new user with that email address.
  • Plugin will add new category if it does not find an existing one.


Follow up Ads Importer Support if you encounter any problem during installation or using plugin.