ATR advanced menu

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About ATR advanced menu

Adds an easy to manage accessible highly customized menu to your site. No special editor is used to manage it. Requires editing header.php.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Yehuda Tiram


Easily create accessible mega/dropdown menu with images/icons/title/posts using standard WordPress menu editing page (supports keyboard interaction ).
Add menu item icons and images from media library, icon-font or featured image of the post(automatically).
Create menu items with none standart content, like videos, post content or anything that can be put in a post.

Note: This plugin requires a change of the header.php file of your theme (or another file, if the menu is defined somewhere else).
It also requires css editing in order to style it. It will technically work out of the box but you nust style it.

See a demo here:

See the menu editing guide here:


  1. Save each item without reloading the page.
  2. Each menu item is conrolled separately
  3. Show images in menu items. Select between font icon, image from media library, Featured image of the post or none.
  4. In addition to the image you can show in the menu: Title Attribute, Description and Subtitle.
  5. Menu items can load full post (thus, enables you to inject html, video, image etc. or even shortcode) or post excerpt directly into it.
  6. Remove title (and link) from menu item (if you want the menu item with post not to show menu title).
  7. Load web-font directly from the menu settings.
  8. Let you define a unique class to each drop down panel. This way you can control each panel layout separately.
  9. Uses class prefix to avoid css conflicts.

all the editing of the menu is done by the familiar menu editor of wordpress.