Author List

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About Author List

Display the list of authors with gravatar image and show the total number of post count on hover






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: vinoth06


Display the list of authors with gravatar image and show the total number of post count on hover

Through this plugin user can,

  • Able to show the Author list through widget.
  • Onhover author image, the total number of post, nic name / user name and gravatar image will be displayed.
  • Admin can set the limit of authors to display.
  • Admin can set the gravatar image size to be 24×24, 48×48 or 96×96 pixel.
  • Admin can customize the widget title name.
  • Authors will be sort based on the number of post they published.
  • Admin can able to select the role based filter.[New – 05082015]
  • Support WordPress 4.3

For More Information :

v 2.2.1 25082015

  • Bug fixes

v 2.2

  • Support WordPress 4.3

v 2.1 (05082015)

  • Admin can able to select the role based filter.

v 2.0 (04082015)

  • Bug fixes
  • Added recent 5 post to author popup.
  • Support 4.2.4

v 1.2 (30/3/2014)

  • Bug fixes, now display all author list

v 1.1.1 (2/1/2014)

  • Now Instead of Username Nickname will be displayed.

v 1.1

  • Authors will be sort based on the number of post they published.

v 1.0

  • Public release