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About Authorizer

Authorizer limits login attempts, restricts access to specific users, and authenticates against external sources (OAuth2, Google, LDAP, or CAS).






updated: 11 months ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Paul Ryan


Authorizer restricts access to a WordPress site to specific users, typically students enrolled in a university course. It maintains a list of approved users that you can edit to determine who has access. It also replaces the default WordPress login/authorization system with one relying on an external server, such as Google, CAS, LDAP, or an OAuth2 provider. Finally, Authorizer lets you limit invalid login attempts to prevent bots from compromising your users’ accounts.

View or contribute to the plugin source on GitHub:

Authorizer requires the following:

  • CAS server (2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x) or LDAP server (plugin needs the URL)
  • PHP extensions: php-ldap, php-curl, php-dom

Authorizer provides the following options:

  • Authentication: WordPress accounts; Google accounts; CAS accounts; LDAP accounts; OAuth2 accounts
  • Login Access: All authenticated users (all local and all external can log in); Only specific users (all local and approved external users can log in)
  • View Access: Everyone (open access); Only logged in users
  • Limit Login Attempts: Progressively increase the amount of time required between invalid login attempts.
  • Shortcode: Use the [authorizer_login_form] shortcode to embed a wp_login_form() outside of wp-login.php.