Auto Future Date

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About Auto Future Date

Adds an "Auto" link to your post page that will automatically schedule your next post based on the most recent post.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Ryan Nutt


Make it easier on yourself to schedule future posts.

Auto Future Date allows you to quickly and easily schedule posts based on the
last post on your site. A simple click on a link and your post will be scheduled
for a future date based on a set of simple rules that you set up.

I use this on a blog of mine where I write several posts at a time and want to
spread them out rather than publishing them all at the same time. Future posts
are great for this, but I found myself going back and forth to the calendar
to schedule.

When activated the plugin adds an “Auto” link right next to the link that you
use to schedule a future post. Clicking on the Auto link makes an Ajax call that
will set the date for your post at some point in the future, using rules that you

More information at