Automatic Ban IP

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About Automatic Ban IP

Block IP addresses which are suspicious and try to post on your blog spam comments.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: SedLex


Block IP addresses which are suspicious and try to post on your blog spam comments.

This plugin need that you create an account on the Honey Pot Project (, free api) or that you install the Spam Captcha plugin.

In addition, if you want to geolocate the spammers your may create an account on (, free api). Thus, you may display a world map with the concentration of spammers.

Spammers may be blocked either by PHP based restrictions (i.e. WordPress generates a 403 page for such identified users) or by Apache based restriction (using Deny from in .htaccess file).

The Apache restriction is far more efficient when hundreds of hosts sent you spams in few minutes.

Multisite – WordPress MU


  • Afrikaans (South Africa) translation provided by SedLex, JanvanNiekerk
  • English (United States), default language
  • Japanese (Japan) translation provided by OsamuKudo

Features of the framework

This plugin uses the SL framework. This framework eases the creation of new plugins by providing tools and frames (see dev-toolbox plugin for more info).

You may easily translate the text of the plugin and submit it to the developer, send a feedback, or choose the location of the plugin in the admin panel.

Have fun !