Automatic Post Date Filler

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About Automatic Post Date Filler

Automatically sets custom date and time when editing posts.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Devtard


This plugin overrides default date and time of edited posts with dynamically calculated custom values. This is useful especially when scheduling posts; the plugin can, for example, automatically generate new post dates by incrementing the current most future post date by a specified number of days.

Calculated custom date and time will automatically replace default values after clicking the “Edit” link next to “Publish immediately” in the post editor’s Publish module.


  • Date/time values usable as a reference: current date/time, oldest or most future post date/time; specific time of day
  • Date/time of reference can be increased or decreased by a specific number of days/minutes
  • Configurable post types and statuses of analyzed and affected posts

See Screenshots for more information.