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With the Aweber Forms by Optin Cat WordPress plugin, it is incredibly quick and easy to create Aweber forms that will maximize your number of Aweber subscribers.
Gutenberg Compatible
This plugin is fully compatible with WordPress 5.0’s new content editor (“Gutenberg”). Simply create your AWeber form, then add your AWeber block to your website.
In just two minutes you can create a professional looking Aweber form for your blog that will be optimized for conversions.
Aweber Forms by Optin Cat lets you create a variety of different Aweber forms to suit your specific needs. These include:
Aweber Forms by Optin Cat has a number of other features that make it the best choice for your newsletter form plugin.
You’ll be able to create a beautifully designed custom Aweber newsletter form that runs reliably and smoothly. It looks great on any blog, it’s light and efficient (meaning it won’t slow down your page load times) and has been proven to grow your Aweber list.
Your list is one of your most valuable assets – Aweber Forms by Optin Cat is a great plugin to grow your Aweber list.
You’ll need an Aweber account to use this plugin – sign up for an Aweber account here.
With our seamless Aweber integration, all of your new contacts will be instantly added to your account as soon as they use the Aweber signup form and can start receiving your autoresponder sequence or newsletter.
Aweber Forms by Optin Cat Premium
Optin Cat Premium helps you grow your Aweber list. Here’s how:
Lots of extra layout & design options.
Smart popup targeting.
Mobile Aweber popups.
Two Step Optins: Trigger a popup after the user clicks on a hyperlink.
Optin Bait Delivery: Send optin baits straight from WordPress.
Exit Intervention: Display popups when the user is about to leave your site.
Attention grabbing Popup Effects.
Priority email support.
We’d love to hear your suggestions on how to improve Aweber Forms by Optin Cat, feel free to share them in the support forum.
This plugin stores personal data (eg. names & emails collected using this plugin) in the WordPress database.
This plugin integrates with the WordPress GDPR privacy controls for data export & data deletion added in WordPress 4.9.6.
This plugin uses a browser cookie to track successful optins.
This plugin can be configured to connect to 3rd party service providers such as Aweber.
If you use this plugin to connect to a 3rd party, personal data may also be shared with that party.
Additional privacy policy information for 3rd party services can be found here:
Our full privacy policy is available here: https://fatcatapps.com/legal/privacy-policy/