Awesome Fontawesome Collection

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Awesome Fontawesome Collection Icon

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About Awesome Fontawesome Collection

By Using fontawesome icon plugin you can demonstrate icons in your pages and widget area.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: phoeniixx


By Using fontawesome icon plugin you can demonstrate icons in your pages and widget area.
Fontawesome icon plugin can be used in various ways like by using HTML, Fontawesome icon picker in Tiny MCE editor or by adding shortcodes.


  • You can use fontawesome icons to display the icons and texts in pages and widget area.
  • Widget- Font awesome can be viewed on widget by adding ‘Phoeniixx icons with text’.
  • Awesome font awesome plugin gives you icons that can instantly be customized.
  • You can display the icons just by selecting the icons from Fontawesome icon picker in Tiny MCE editor visual mode.
  • You can display the icons by adding shortcodes in text mode of the page.
  • You can display the icons in different size and styles using HTML in text mode.
  • Plugin is compatible with siteorign page builder plugin.
  • Advance styling options like different colors, different sizes of the font.
  • 300 icons library.

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