Bacon Ipsum

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About Bacon Ipsum

Bacon Ipsum Generator and Bacon Mockup Image Fillers






updated: 5 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Chris McCoy


The Bacon Ipsum Plugin lets you Generate Bacon Ipsum Text for your WordPress site, and also lets you Insert Meaty Images into your posts.

Bacon Ipsum Generator

The Generator is pretty straight forward, Simply goto a post or page, or any other post type and click the
Bacon Ipsum Button next to the Add Media Button.

Select each option you wish and click Generate Bacon

Bacon Mockup

You can either use the Generator or Simply Add the [bacon_mockup] shortcode to a post or page

Parameters, all are optional


  • width : Width of the Bacon Image. Default is 300
  • height : Height of the Bacon Image. Default is 200
  • alt : The alt tag for the image. Default is Yummy Bacon!
  • class : css class for the image (incase you want to style it yourself). Default is baconthumb
  • tag : pick a custom image based on a tag as listed on the Bacon Mockup Tag Page

Complete Tag List for Reference

  • bacon
  • bacon-eggs
  • bacon2
  • beef
  • brisket
  • corned-beef
  • drumstick
  • drumstick2
  • family-style-bbq
  • flank-steak
  • hamburger
  • pastrami
  • pork-ribs
  • pulled-pork
  • ribeye
  • ribeye2
  • ribeyes-and-bacon
  • ribs-of-beef
  • salami
  • sausage
  • sausage2
  • sirloin
  • wing-rib
  • random

See the List at Bacon Mockup

Bacon Love Widget

Show your love for Bacon Ipsum by adding a Widget to a widget area with a cool animated banner.