Banner Slider

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About Banner Slider

A banner management component. Support multi banner transition and ajax file upload feature






updated: 8 years ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Manzurul Haque


A banner management component. Support multi banner transition and ajax file upload feature. Can be resized the slider at any height and with using plugin option
Version 1.0 includes:
1. Set slider height and width from plugin option.
2. Autmatic and ajax enabled image upload and also resize image acoording to given width and height.
3. Banner can include some excerpt which will be shown at bottom of the banner in faded bar.
4. Can put links to banner

Arbitrary section

You may provide arbitrary sections, in the same format as the ones above. This may be of use for extremely complicated
plugins where more information needs to be conveyed that doesn’t fit into the categories of “description” or
“installation.” Arbitrary sections will be shown below the built-in sections outlined above.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. Ajtech Soft
  2. bitbyte soft
  3. Formify

Unordered list:

  • Ajtech Software
  • Bitbyte Sofware
  • Ajtech Plugin team

Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I’ve been told:

Asterisks for emphasis. Double it up for strong.

<?php if(!function_exists('show_banner'))show_banner(); ?>