Basic User Avatars

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About Basic User Avatars

Add an avatar upload field on frontend pages and Edit Profile screen so users can add a custom profile picture.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 10 years ago


Add an avatar upload field on frontend pages and Edit Profile screen so users can add a custom profile picture.

Community and Membership sites on WordPress use this plugin as a lightweight solution for custom user avatars. The plugin is compatible with bbPress, as well as many popular plugins with frontend user registration and profile management features.

Admins can upload a user’s avatar on the Edit User admin screen.

Basic User Avatars also supports front-end avatar management for sites that want to keep users out of the dashboard. To use this feature, add the shortcode [basic-user-avatars] to any page in your WordPress site. We recommended placing this shortcode on another logged-in account type page, such as the WooCommerce My Account page, the Membership Account page, or any other front-end profile edit form.

The Avatar Upload form is automatically added to the bbPress User Profile > Edit frontend page.

If you do not want your users to be able to update their avatar, navigate to Settings > Discussion and locate the “Local Avatar Permissions” setting. Check this box to only allow users with file upload capabilities to upload local avatars (Author role and above).

Seamlessly Migrate from WP User Avatar Plugin

Version 1.0.5 includes a feature to automatically convert avatars formerly loaded through the WP User Avatar plugin. This means that you can disable WP User Avatar, activate Basic User Avatars, and have a seamless transition for existing avatars in your site. Be sure to update any avatar upload form that used the [avatar_upload] shortcode to use the shortcode: [basic-user-avatars].