Alerts for Beaver Builder

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About Alerts for Beaver Builder

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updated: 11 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Pratik Chaskar


Have you ever looked around for a Beaver Builder Addon that let you display eye-catching alerts on a web-page? Your search is over! The Alerts for Beaver Builder plugin is an addon that can be coupled with Beaver Builder to create attractive alerts in a few easy steps.

The Alerts for Beaver Builder plugin adds a customizable module to your list of Beaver Builder modules that can be simply dragged, dropped and customized as per your needs. You can create the following kind of alerts using this plugin.

Simple Alerts : Simple formattable text alerts that can be accompanied by icons and a pretty background color and background.

Closable and Linkable Alerts: Apart from the plain text and icons in an alert, you can also make them clickable to redirect users to another page. Alerts can also have a close button so that users can close them too.

Cookie based Alerts: Wish to avoid showing up an alert once the user has closed it? The Beaver Builder Alert allows you to do this. With the Cookie based alerts you can decide the number of days you wish to hide an alert after the user has closed it.

Have something to say? Whether you are happy with these features, or wish to see some more, please feel free to share it on our Facebook group where we have a bunch of active Beaver Builder enthusiasts like you!

Features of the Alerts for Beaver Builder

Cookie based Alerts allow you to hide an alert for a specified number of days after a user has closed it. This makes your alerts less intrusive!
Linkable Alerts let you redirect users to another page when he clicks on it. No longer will you need to write long texts within alerts. You simply introduce the matter and take the user to a page that explains it all!
Custom Styling options make it easier to format your alerts. You can change the font style, color, size, background options and more, to make your alert look attractive.

Made with love at Brainstorm Force!

What’s More?

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suggestions will be highly appreciated.

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  • js-cookie is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
  • Boostrap is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.