Better Blogroll

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About Better Blogroll

Allows you to display a configurable number of random links from your Wordpress blogroll






updated: 13 years ago
since: 17 years ago
author: Jon Dyer



The Better Blogroll widget for WordPress allows you to display a configurable number of random links from your WordPress blogroll. This should help to combat link blindness while still letting you to share the link love with more of your favorite blogs.

Some Features:

  • Links can be sorted randomly, by title, or by rating.
  • The number of links shown is configurable.
  • Categories from which links are shown is configurable.
  • Links can be set to “nofollow” if your links are coming from paid sources.
  • Capable of Displaying XFN Data.
  • Displays image links, text links, or both.
  • Links can be in a single list or separated by category.
  • Can display each link’s category or rating to its right.
  • The description of each link appears in a tool tip.
  • Allows you to show an explanation that the list is a rolling blogroll.