Better WP Admin Bar

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About Better WP Admin Bar

A tiny plugin to improve the UX of the WordPress admin bar.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Dalton Walsh


Better WP Admin Bar is a simple plugin to make the admin bar less intrusive when using the front end of a WordPress website whilst logged in. This can be especially annoying when developing a website with a fixed header as the admin bar usually wants to sit at the top of the page in the way.

This plugin adds some CSS and JS to help make your life easier by keeping the bar out of the way when not in use.

Simply hover or click the tab to show the admin bar. Then click again to hide.

You can also drag the “hover tab” into your preferred place, so it only covers the part of the header that you wish. By default it will be positioned in the center of the screen. The position is saved in a cookie and remembered for future sessions.