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About Bettor

Post your bets on your blog. Show the bets on articles and a statistic on a seperate page.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Benjamin Becker


For questions: [email protected]

Post your bets on your blog, easy and safe. Also you can show statistic of you bets.

First you need to insert sports and bookmakers before you can post the bets. Have a look in the menu at the left in you admin account, there is the new Bettor nenu. There you can add sports and bookmakers. Also with links and pictures.

To evaluated your bets, you also only have to click on the Bettor menu on the left.

To insert new bets, write a new article, under the article you find the form to add bets to the article. You can add more then one bet to the same articel.

On the options menu create a new statistic page automaticly by press the \”Generate statistic page\”.
Also you can create the Page by your self and use the following Shortcodes:
Block with summary of bets: bettor_statistic_block
Graph with balance: bettor_statistic_graph
Table with all bets: bettor_statistic_table
Year summary balance table: bettor_statistic_years

In the admin menu you can choose to place your bets where the shortcode [bettor_bet] is.