BibleGet I/O

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About BibleGet I/O

Insert Bible quotes in your articles or pages using the "Bible quote" block or the [bibleget] shortcode; uses the BibleGet I/O API.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 10 years ago


Once the plugin is installed, you will find a Bible quote block in the widgets section of the block editor.
Also available is a shortcode [bibleget] that you can use to insert Bible quotes in articles or pages from different versions of the Bible in different languages.

The text of the Bible quotes is retrieved from the BibleGet API

Sample usage of the shortcode:

  • [bibleget query="Exodus 19:5-6,8;20:1-17" version="CEI2008"]
  • [bibleget query="Matthew 1:1-10,12-15" versions="NVBSE,NABRE"]

It is also possible to place the reference for the desired Bible quote in the contents of the shortcode:

  • [bibleget version="NABRE"]John 3:16;1 John 4:7-8[/bibleget]

The Plugin also has a settings page “BibleGet I/O” under “Settings” in the Administration area, where you can choose your preferred Bible versions from those available on the BibleGet server so that you don’t have to use the version or versions parameter every time.
After you have made your choices in the settings area, remember to click on “Save”!
Once the preferred version is set you can simply use:

  • [bibleget query="1 Cor 13"]

Other parameters available to the shortcode are:

  • popup: can have a value of true or false. Will determine whether the text of the Bible quote will show in a full block, or instead in a popup window upon clicking the Bible quote. Example: [bibleget query="Romans 8:28" popup="true"]
  • preferorigin: can have a value of GREEK or HEBREW, useful in those cases where there are multiple texts for the same book, chapter or verse in the same Bible edition, such as in the Book of Esther where both versions are included, one based on the original Greek text, and the other based on the original Hebrew text. Example: [bibleget query="Esther 1:1" preferorigin="HEBREW"]
  • layoutprefs_showbibleversion: can have a value of true or false. Example: [bibleget query="Ezekiel 25:17" layoutprefs_showbibleversion="false"]
  • layoutprefs_bibleversionalignment: can have a value of LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT or JUSTIFY. Example: [bibleget query="Psalm 149:3" layoutprefs_bibleversionalignment="LEFT"]
  • layoutprefs_bibleversionposition: can have a value of TOP, BOTTOM or BOTTOMINLINE. Example: [bibleget query="2 Samuel 6:14" layoutprefs_bibleversionposition="BOTTOM"]
  • layoutprefs_bibleversionwrap: can have a value of NONE, PARENTHESES or BRACKETS. Example: [bibleget query="Ecclesiastes 3:1-4" layoutprefs_bibleversionwrap="BRACKETS"]
  • layoutprefs_bookchapteralignment: can have a value of LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT or JUSTIFY. Example: [bibleget query="Galatians 5:7-10" layoutprefs_bookchapteralignment="RIGHT"]
  • layoutprefs_bookchapterposition: can have a value of TOP, BOTTOM or BOTTOMINLINE. Example: [bibleget query="Mark 13:35-37" layoutprefs_bookchapterposition="BOTTOMINLINE"]
  • layoutprefs_bookchapterwrap: can have a value of NONE, PARENTHESES or BRACKETS. Example: [bibleget query="John 8:12" layoutprefs_bookchapterwrap="PARENTHESES"]
  • layoutprefs_bookchapterformat: can have a value of USERLANG, BIBLELANG, USERLANGABBREV or BIBLELANGABBREV. Example: [bibleget query="Psalms 144:1-2" layoutprefs_bookchapterformat="USERLANGABBREV"]
  • layoutprefs_bookchapterfullquery: can have a value of true or false. Example: [bibleget query="Isaiah 6:8" layoutprefs_bookchapterfullquery="true"]
  • layoutprefs_showversenumbers: can have a value of true or false. Example: [bibleget query="1 John 2:15-17" layoutprefs_showversenumbers="false"]

The style settings are customizable using the WordPress Customizer, so you can make the Bible quotes fit into the style of your own blog / WordPress website.

The Bible quote block also has a number of customizable options in the block editor which allow you to set not only the style but also the layout of the elements that make up the Bible quote.

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