Bitcoin Blockheight

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About Bitcoin Blockheight

Bitcoin Blockheight is a straight-forward plugin that fetches the current Bitcoin Blockheight and adds it to your Wordpress posts, under or beside the …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago


This plugin offers limited support. This is something I had developed for my own blog ( and decided to release it because a lot Bitcoiners have taken to referring to the blockheight as a kind of timestamp.

In the back of my mind I have the idea that if it becomes widely used, I may add options to link the blockheight field to an on-chain copy of the post somewhere, like IPFS (or maybe an ordinal).


If you have a question or concern around the plugin, you can:

* Email me at [email protected] 
* Catch me on Twitter: @Stuntpope
* On Nostr: npub1elwpzsul8d9k4tgxqdjuzxp0wa94ysr4zu9xeudrcxe2h3sazqkq5mehan (NIP-05: [email protected]) 

If you find this plugin useful, please consider donating to support its development:

  • via BTC: bc1qcjjk8f9ynznm9aqx4lqtaucw5y8qs0gs0a8aju

  • Lightning: lnbc1pjzem7hpp502vefct5jyv4lgjrhr76rstfvgq4tsds7eyhvsts9z6l47exr0fsdqu2askcmr9wssx7e3q2dshgmmndp5scqzpgxqyz5vqsp5hjumlyrmchfvkd0q3tc3q0kktlpnu7d3frjk4ln5uq4n6pjm00zs9qyyssqma8xvjhshaq25aq0p5t85eyq2jjxsygjd97ka0tmrtpaajndwmj4xf5x4mtjalp8xzj8mz8ju6kmyet8l8r59z3a75nu60npglddltspfffw7c