BitMate Author Donations

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About BitMate Author Donations

BitMate Author Donations is a WordPress plugin for authors on WordPress powered sites to accept cryptocurrency donations.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: BitMate


BitMate Author Donations is a WordPress plugin for authors on WordPress powered sites to accept cryptocurrency donations. It can automatically add a cryptocurrency donation box below all posts, or can be manually controlled via the built in shortcode [bitmate-author-donate] and/or widgets for sidebars and visual page builders.

Here are a few of the special features you might not notice at first:

  • Can be used in “Maximalist” Bitcoin only mode with classic styles or will adapt to a modern multi-currency display when you add other currencies.
  • Sets Bitcoin label & message when using compatible installed wallets.
  • Makes use of compatible URI formats where possible, for example BIP 21 for Bitcoin.
  • Uses local and self-hosted fonts to avoid calling other servers.
  • Works without Javascript enabled – although offers optimisations when it is!
  • Makes use of open-source self-hosted QR code generator for increase privacy.

Coming Soon:

  • International translation hooks

Like this plugin?
You can make a donation through the following methods:

Bitcoin: 1QHK34VSB4MqRUEXyXnUMDg56VEcvY7ND8
Bitcoin Cash: 16WdQvED6hGQZukDjx4i6rZ6foVy1Zhxav
Ethereum: 0x0577eb2088d03eecf093085544909b110cd94728
Litecoin: LWcXPjsmyEHDS9yXShjrpgYe6Sfha94iLy
Monero: 446bYKR3hLnVtBt5NqKEYKAAh6DjSw2s55SxCbyJLfPU5fwpXsnbatXGzmXdZNJHZ4Wa5bn3uhaG2cghkBGX2vWcCL2gNmi3uhaG2cghkBGX2vWcCL2gNmi
ZCash: t1PsNg2sHTPjFZn5HfMBViFcDoYaxX4vgNZ

Thanks for your support!


BitMate – Bitcoin Plugins for WordPress

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