Blog Terminal

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About Blog Terminal

Blog Terminal provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Radek Sprta


Blog Terminal generates a terminal-like box that you can use to demonstrate terminal output or show the entry of terminal/console commands in a manner that is more demonstrative of actually using a Linux/Unix terminal or Windows cmd shell.

The code is a fork of Post Terminal, which is a fork of WP-Terminal which in turn is a modification of WP-Syntax, a source code highlighter plugin for WordPress.

Unlike Post terminal, it uses [terminal] shorthand for the terminal box. It also shows prompt only on lines explitly set to do that.

Basic Usage

The most basic usage is to wrap your terminal blocks with [terminal][/terminal] tags. If no further options are defined within the tag a generic prompt is generated using ‘user@computer’ with no working directory shown. This is similar to exporting PS1=”\u@\h:$ ” in sh(1), setting prompt=”%n@%m:$ ” in csh(1), etc.
Other options available within the tag are user=”user”, computer=”computer”, and cwd=”/path/to/directory”. These allow you to override the generic user@computer settings as well as provide a ‘current working directory’.
The prompt is only shown on the lines starting with ‘$ ‘. So you can mix commands with simulated terminal output.


Wrap terminal blocks with [terminal user="username" computer="computername" cwd="/path/to/directory"] and [\terminal]. They are all optional. “user” and “computer” will be shown if you don’t provide them, cwd is purely optional.

Example 1: No customized command

$ ls -a

Example 2: User and computer customizations

[terminal user="tux" computer="linux"]
$ ls -a

Example 3: Customizing just the user

[terminal user="dak"]
$ ls -a

Example 4: Customizing user, computer and displaying a working directory

[terminal user="root" computer="linuxserver" cwd="/usr/src/linux"]
$ make mrproper