The Blogger Importer imports your blog data from a Google Blogger site into a installation.
Items imported
- Categories
- Posts (published, scheduled and draft)
- Comments (not spam)
- Images
Items not imported
- Pages
- Widgets/Widget Data
- Templates/Theme
- Comment and author Avatars
The following were referenced for implementing the images and links
- (not working)
Known Issues
- Some users have reported that their IFrames are stripped out of the post content.
- Requests for better performance of larger transfers and tranfers of images
- Review of behavior when it re-imports, partiularly are the counts correct
- Review using get_posts or get_comments with the appropriate parameters to get the counts and exists instead of using SQL
- Incorrect notice, PHP Notice: The data could not be converted to UTF-8. You MUST have either the iconv or mbstring extension installed. This occurs even when Iconv is installed, could be related to Blogger reporting 0 comments
- When the importer is running it’s not possible to stop it using the stop button
- Blogger’s count of comments include those not linked to a post e.g. the post has been deleted.
Filters and Actions
These actions and filters have been added so that you can extend the functionality of the importer without needing to modify the code.
Action – import_start – This is run when the import starts processing the records for a new blog
Action – import_done – This is run when the import finishes processing the records for a blog.
Filter – blogger_importer_congrats – Passes the list of options shown to the user when the blog is complete, options can be added or removed.