bodi0`s Easy cache

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About bodi0`s Easy cache

Speed up your blog with Easy Cache, bullet-proof and easy-to-use website caching mechanism for WordPress that just works.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 11 years ago


Easy cache takes a real-time snapshot of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) into folder of your choice, so they can be referenced and served to the visitor later, in order to save database processing time that has been slowing your website down.

The Easy cache plugin uses configuration options that you select from the Administration panel. Search for Easy cache in your Settings page.
Easy cache excludes administrative or WP system login pages from caching (i.e. it works only on public part of your blog). Only NOT logged-in users (which are the most) can benefit from caching mechanism when they visit the public part of your website. Password-protected pages or posts are excluded from caching too.

There is an automatic cache expiration system, which runs through WordPress® behind-the-scene, according to your Cached file expires after setting, also various cache and server load statistics are available for precise tracking of what is going on.

The Easy cache plugin has been tested with various permalink settings, various pagination plugins like WP Pagenavi and WPML WordPress Multilingual Plugin, also with WordPress® Jetpack mobile theme, with variuos custom post types, custom queries, custom pages outside WordPress® installation directory and a number of widely used plugins, however if you experience troubles, post your issue on the plugin’s forum.

Supported languages

  • English

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Bulgarian