BP Profile Home Widgets

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About BP Profile Home Widgets

Add user editable widgets to the BP Nouveau profile home page with a widgets for text, video, posts, BuddyPress activity, mentions, friends and groups …






updated: 9 months ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Venutius


The ability to personalize a users own profile is an important part of a social network. This plugin is designed to deliver a key profile home page personalization feature. It’s designed to work specifically with the BP Nouveau members profile home page widget area and also the BP Legacy Profile page by adding a widget area to that page for use by the plugin. Simply install the plugin and place the widget into the BP Nouveau members home widget area or the Profile Widget Areas created for Legacy Users (Profile Top and Profile Bottom).

When you enable the BP Nouveau Members Profile Home page for most users what will appear is a blank page that is set as their default landing page. BP Profile Home Widgets provides the next logical extension of the home page by allowing the site admin to place a number of user configurable widgets in the home page widget area. These can be configured as presets so that every users home-page will display some basic information even if they have not configured their own widgets.

The widget allows users to select up to two Text Widgets, two Video Widgets, My Posts, My Groups, My Friends, My Activity, My Mentions, Mention Me (profile comment form), Who I’m following and Who I’m followed By. The widget order can be easily rearranged using a simple drag and drop interface.

This is a companion plugin to BP User Widgets; whilst BP User Widgets is optimized for sidebars, BP PRofile Home Widgets is designed to be shown in wider formats.

Text Widgets – Provide a full featured TinyMCE text editor, if the use has video upload capability then the Media interface is also enabled. Shortcodes are supported.

Video Widget – Allow links from YouTube and other video hosting sites to be added.

WordPress Posts Widget – display the users latest post links and thumbnail.

The following features need BuddyPress to be active.

BuddyPress Groups – Adds a list of groups the user is a member of.

BuddyPress Friends – Adds a friends list.

BuddyPress Activity – Adds a recent activity feed.

BuddyPress Mentions – Displays any updates that mention the user.

BuddyPress Mention Me – Adds an input form pre-populated with the @user mention code to enable other users to comment to the user.

The following features need BP Follow to be active.

Who I’m following – Lists recently active members the user is following.

Who’s Following Me – Lists recently active followers.

Presets – Site Admin can configure their own default settings to be displayed on any members profile that has not configured their own widgets, to make sure blank pages are not shown as the members default landing page in the case of the Nouveau home page.

For the Legacy Template, once you have enabled these profile widgets you may like to make the profile page the default landing page rather than the standard Activity, to do this simply add the following line to bp-custom.php in plugins/buddypress:

* Change BuddyPress default Members landing tab.
define(‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ );

Other plugins that help with profile personalization are:
* BP User Widgets
* BP Custom Background for User Profile