Brozzme Cookie Notification

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Brozzme Cookie Notification Icon

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About Brozzme Cookie Notification

A simple implementation of the Law on Cookies for WordPress






updated: 2 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Benoti


Cookie Notification is a WordPress plugin. It allows you to inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law. This plugin has been developed to improve the integration with no coding skills.

  1. Enable or disable without deactivate the plugin.
  2. Choose your message, modify it.
  3. Enable or disable accept, decline and read more buttons.
  4. Customization with no coding and no file edit.
  5. Color picker to modify bar color.
  6. Cookie notification bar settings.
  7. Select the cookie lifetime.
  8. Generate privacy policy page on activation (if not exists).
  9. Choose how to embed the bar.
  10. Fixed, bottom, button border-radius
    ETC …

You can add CSS3 animation with Brozzme Hover Integration plugin.

Translations are supported through PO/MO files located in the plugin folder “languages”.

Following translations are already included in the Brozzme Cookie Notification:

  • English
  • French
  • Serbian (sr_RS) by Andrijana Nikolic

Benoti and WPServeur.