Brozzme Material Loading

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About Brozzme Material Loading

Add automatic loading and progress bar on each page without coding. Choose between 14 templates and add page progress animations.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Benoti


Brozzme Material Loading is a WordPress plugin allows you to add an Automatic page load progress bar easily, like youtube loading bar.
This plugin has been developped to improve the integration in any theme with no coding skills.

Brozzme Material Loading plugin creates a loading bar on each page, using the PACE.js library.

Pace will automatically monitor your ajax requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress, it will begin again with Ajax navigation.
Brozzme Material Loading include 14 templates (from Pace.js).

There is no file to edit, it\’s easy to choose and customize your loading bar, just choose colors, height of the bar in the settings panel.
Easy to use, just one click.

Options :

  1. Custom homepage color
  2. Custom loading bar (or animation) color
  3. Bar height and simple behaviour
  4. Templates (14) for your loading animations
  5. Responsive and Retina ready.

Templates are kindly provide by the Pace.js project.
Language : English, French

This plugin have been tested up to WordPress 4.9.6

PREMIUM VERSION available soon.
Allow you to totally customize each animation behaviours, colors, element size, and conditionally load any template for each posts or page.