We'll create fresh WordPress site with BuddyPress XProfile Custom Image Field installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The BuddyPress Extended Profile add-on lacks support for Image type fields. The BuddyPress XProfile Custom Image Field plugin allows you to add fields of type Image to user profile screens without having to write any additional code.
The images are stored by default into the /wp-content/uploads/profiles/[USER_ID] directory, where [USER_ID] is the ID of logged in user. You can override this default by hooking into the bpxp_image_field_upload_dir filter.
The BuddyPress XProfile Custom Image Field plugin has a number of additional hooks that allow theme and plugin writers to modify its behavior.
This plugin requires BuddyPress version 1.5 and has been tested up to BuddyPress version 11.4.0