Bulk Products to Cart for EDD

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About Bulk Products to Cart for EDD

The Bulk Products to Cart for Easy Digital Downloads is an Add-On plugin of the Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin. This powerful plugin allows users …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Himanshu Dhakan


With this plugin, you can easily customize your product table to suit your needs. You can choose which product fields to display, including product name, price, product image, category, and more. You can also customize the layout of your table by selecting the number of columns and rows to display.

One of the key features of this plugin is the ability to bulk-add products to the cart. This means that customers can quickly and easily add multiple/all products to their cart with just ONE CLICK. This feature is especially useful for customers who are looking to purchase multiple products at once.

In addition to bulk add-to-cart, this plugin also includes pagination, which allows customers to browse through a large number of products with ease. And this will also support individual pagination when you have multiple tables on a single page.

Another great feature of this plugin is the advanced option to display products flexibly. Plugin users can use these filters to quickly narrow down their search results by Specific Downloads, Downloads By Categories, Downloads by Tags, Downloads by Tags, exclude specific downloads, and exclude Downloads by categories/Tags.

Overall, this plugin helps to create a seamless and efficient shopping experience for customers.


  • Bulk/All add to cart button
  • Custom labels
  • Custom design of table
  • Include/exclude downloads
  • Include/exclude categories and tags
  • Order by title, id, date, modified, and random
  • Pagination
  • Checkbox column
  • ID column
  • Title column
  • Product Image column
  • Price column
  • Excerpt column
  • Add to cart button
  • Categories column
  • Tags column
  • Date column


[bptcfedd_table id="table-id"]