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About BusinessPress

BusinessPress lets you control the WordPress core updates and plugin installing/editing/upgrading to prevent issues with your business websites.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Foliovision


Here are the plugin features:

WordPress Updates

WordPress has a major release three times per year, each time with a risk of breaking the way your website works. This plugin removes most of the messages to update (button from dashboard, the admin footer link and admin notice), while adding more information about versions to the updates page. You will see which version you are running and which versions which are available to you and given a choice about your updates.

WordPress also automatically updates your website to the latest minor release. We like that, but these updates can cause issues as well. That’s why BusinessPress delays the updates for 5 days.

This plugin also allows you to prevent your client from installing new plugins (many of which could either cripple or slow their website) while allowing clients to safely take care of existing plugin updates themselves.

You can disable the following capabilities for other admin users

  • Activate and deactivate plugins and themes
  • Update plugins and themes
  • Update WordPress core
  • Install, Edit and delete plugns and themes

Unnecessary WordPress features

Plugin by default disables the generator tag, REST API and Emojis to keep your site secure and fast. However you can enable these features back on if you prefer, just like the XML-RPC or oEmbed.

Login Logo

You can set your login logo and wp-admin color.

Admin Notices

Plugin by default moves the admin notices into Dashboard -> Notices screen where you can dismiss each notice. More and more plugins show their notices (some more important, some less) so BusinessPress cleans that up to keep you focused.

Login Protection

Plugin also supports fail2ban, see install instructions.


  • Enable Google style results – Gives you similar layout and keyword highlight.
  • Enable Link Manager – Legacy feature of WordPress, hidden since version 3.5.
  • Enhance wp-admin Dropdowns – Makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly, including search functionality.
  • Login redirection – After you log in you will be redirected back to the page where you clicked wp-login.php link, unless there was a custom redirect_to parameter. Uses HTTP referer.
  • Set Featured Images Automatically – First image in the post becomes the featured image on save.
  • WordPress core hotfix – are you getting error like “Unable to create directory ../images/2019/11. Is its parent directory writable by the server?” Since October 2019 WordPress doesn’t support ../ in the upload path. So we translate that path to absolute path and check if it’s in the site webroot and then let it pass
  • Disables the “Password Changed” admin email notifications when a Subscriber level user changes email address
  • Alphabetically sorting the wp-admin -> Settings menu, making it much easier to find any settings screen!
  • Hide Password Protected Posts – Password protected posts won’t show up anywhere unless you have the direct link or your are the admin or editor.


This plugin integrates some of the amazing WordPress plugins which keep it lean and removed the unnecessary features:

Disable Embeds by Pascal Birchler with our own improvements
Disable Emojis by Ryan Hellyer
Disable REST API by Dave McHale
Login Logo by Mark Jaquith with our own improvements
WP Chosen by John James Jacoby with some small performance improvements
