We'll create fresh WordPress site with Car Rental Widget by MoreRentalCars.com installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
A booking engine in the form of a widget that makes it possible for your visitors to rent a car at over 30,000 locations worldwide. The car rental database is provided by CarTrawler and is updated
on a regular basis. CarTrawler is the designated affiliate business partner of MoreRentalCars.com.
Visitors who decide to make use of the booking engine are redirected to a secure page of query results provided by CarTrawler. The affiliate link you see in the URL is provided by CarTrawler in
collaboration with MoreRentalCars.com. The connection to CarTrawler’s database is secured with a SSL certificate provided by DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA. The certificate ensures that
your personal data and credit card details are submitted securely to CarTrawler. The certificate furthermore ensures the identity of CarTrawler and also proves your identity to CarTrawler’s server.
Although this security is provided to ensure the customers piece of mind, MoreRentalCars.com and/or CarTrawler will not be held legally liable ‘in any case whatsoever’ should you or your site’s
visitors decide to use this booking engine. By using this plugin, you agree to abide by this term.
Take the time to visit http://www.MoreRentalCars.com and http://www.CarTrawler.com and get to know us. We are legally operating businesses based in the Netherlands and Ireland.
Also read more about DigiCert here: https://www.digicert.com.