Cartograf Cookie filter

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About Cartograf Cookie filter

Prevents the installation of tracking cookies without the informed consent of the visitor. This plugin was specifically designed to be Spanish Cookie …






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Cartograf


This plugin allows site builders to comply with the spanish cookie law, that regulates the use of tracking cookies in websites according to the EU directive.

Note that this is important as one of the first countries to introduce this regulation after the EU directive was emitted was UK. But the UK law has some differences with the spanish regarding “informed consent” of the visitor, thus cookies needs to be treated a bit differently.

Despite of that, the plugin provide the functionality needed to comply with UK (and other) cookie law, as well.

This plugin allows the user to insert code (typically, javascript code) in both header and footer and for two different cases (cookie accepted, cookie not accepted). It also provides HTML id and classes that enable easy customization.

The development and manteniance of this plugin is sponsored by Cartograf


  • Jose Alcántara
  • Dima Kam
  • Sergio Folgar

About Cartograf

The development of this plugin has been funded by Cartograf, a consultancy company specialized in free software based in Madrid.