Category Editor

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About Category Editor

Provides the ability to add a fully functional tinymce editor and html plus shortcodes to the category description and tag description to style up the …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Kevin Heath


Are you bored of plain old lists for your category and tag archive pages?

This plugin gives you the ability to pimp up your archives with a fully customisable top description area. You can use html or shortcodes to give a better uder interface and boost the search engine optimisation of archive pages. This means you can turn your category archive page or tag page into a fully developed landing page. No longer just a plain list of posts or products but a customised page packed full of features that will excite your visitors and the search engines.

Category Editor works with any theme that is written to WordPress standards and includes the category description call.

The plugin adds a WordPress editor to the category description area in the admin and the editor allows you the full options to format and design your top description area before the lists of posts.

It’s ideal for blogs and is fully compatible with Woocommerce and other ecommerce plugins. Provided the theme calls the WordPress category, tag or terms description then you have the ability to format and design the area.

Add media, use shortcodes and turbo charge the category archive page with images and anything else you can think of.

With the PRO version (now renamed Category Editor Pro) you also get the option to have an additional area of description at the end of the lists of posts or products. This is really useful for many situations when you want to add lots of extra content to the archive page but don’t want visitors to have to scroll down to get to the list of products or posts.

Category Image Menu Grid.

You can assign an image to a category and then use a shortcode to display a list of the categories. This gives you the opportunity to make a graphical menu or highlight certain categories on blog posts or pages. This works with WordPress blog categories.

In the category edit page assign an image to the category with the upload image link. Either upload and image or use one from your media library. Once uploaded or chosen you need to click on the file url button to get the full url. Copy that and paste it into the text area to assign to category.

You can use the shortcode [ catimmg ] (without spaces) to call all your categories. There are 2 attributes you can use:

  • number – this limits the total number of categories to call.
  • categories – this allows you to chose which category to display using the category id number.

A full shortcode could look like : [ catimmg categories=”123,2356,675,9876″ ] this will display the images and link to the named categories using a comma separated list of category ids.

Another could be [ catimmg number=”5″] this would limit the number of categories displayed to 5.

Styling of category graphic menu

There has been no styling applied to this list. The css available is:

  • .catimgmain – this is the main container
  • .catimmgeach – this is the individual category containers
  • .cattitle – this is the title of the category

I’ve intentionally left the css styling empty so you can choose how to display the menu yourself. There’s lots of ways to produce grids now in css and everyone has their personal favourite. As a start here is an example css style you can add to your customise > additional css option.


Og:image support
Version 3.8 has introduced og:image option for WordPress categories and Woocommerce product categories. The og:image meta property is used by social platforms to display your prefered image when someone shares your page to a social platform.

Pro Version:

The pro version of CategoryTinyMce offers:

og:image option also available for wordpress tags and Woocommerce product tag archives.

A second description areas below the list of blog or products to help you build out SEO on category and tag pages.

The graphical menu shortcode also works for tags. There are also additional shortcodes to help make life easier such as only displaying parent categories or only displaying child categories of current category.


The free version of the plugin gets limited support. I check the support forum every week or two to see if there is any issues that need addressing. I do not provide email or one to one support for the free version.

If you want quick support (Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm UK time) then you will need to use the PRO version.